Ravenous Pigeon Digest


This speaks for itself so it's hardly worth mentioning. But I have to admit now that I'm leaving that Sydney must have one of the best climates on the planet. Even in the middle of "winter" I could often go out to get lunch without a jacket and in even in the worst of the summer heat you'd don't need to worry about sweltering humidity.

And you can't beat being able to sit outside late at night in shorts and a t-shirt (especially as I don't have to worry about being burnt). By and large when it's not raining it's sunny, and when it is raining it can often be accompanied by some fantastic storms.

Heading off to a Northern winter, where I'll have to spend December through to April (and possibly more) moaning about the cold and the rain is enough to remind how much I've taken for granted all this time here how great it is.