Ravenous Pigeon Digest


I hate going to the dentist - I've had too many fillings and multiple teeth extracted (thankfully I wasn't awake to experience it) and the waiting room is enough to trigger some Pavlovian response.

Except for anything other than getting my teeth cleaned at least - I used to actually enjoy that rumbling sound inside my head like a car wash that was made by the dentist's tooth brush. Now however, this cleaning stuff is done by a dedicated hygienist instead. But still I haven't minded going to one - they're the dentist where you don't need anesthetic, so that's good right? No..

From now on I'm going to be cowering in fear when I have to go to one. It's bad enough when they just use the probe to check things, and it feels like they're sticking a pin in my gums and leaving it there to see how long it takes me to scream. But when they bring out the machine to get rid of the tarter crap I know now I'm entering a world of pain. I wish they'd give me something; oil of cloves or anything.

I hate the shaming thing too - you're probably brushing too hard, you're probably not brushing hard enough, you're not flossing correctly, you should use these floss brushes instead.. Thanks so much - It's completely my fault that I'm paying you to put me through agony and spit mouthfuls of blood.

Afterwards my clothes were drenched in fear sweat. Lying there in the chair, without any way to wince away from the pain like in any other occasion, just amplifies everything. The hook catching on some gum, yanking it in a direction it was never supposed to go. Ouch