Ravenous Pigeon Digest


We'd already decided to move flat a while ago - what with the impossibly high rent and low salary combination we're sporting, and the new family addition - but with the arrival of the St. George magazine in our letterbox it almost felt like we were being told to leave.

I had no idea that the apartment complex that we've been living in was aimed at such high rollers. This is a free magazine that advertises only the most luxurious accommodation in the most expensive London boroughs. Kind of the property equivalent of the pretty disgusting Square Mile magazine, it was full of ads for super yachts, private jets and luxury penthouses - perfect investments for those looking to keep large amounts of cash away from prying tax collectors.

The cover of this issue features some ugly new apartment tower that's going to be build right on the river in central London, near the Tate modern gallery - a huge blight if there ever was one.

Who do they think is actually living in our apartment block?! I guess it's not totally surprising - some of the properties that are worth well over a million pounds around London look drab and crap. Of course everywhere looks drab after 8 months of winter.
