Ravenous Pigeon Digest


I used to think having a go-to name for Starbucks and similar places when ordering coffee was a little rare, but it turns out tonnes of people use one.

I've been using one for years mostly because the staff can hardly understand my name at the best of times, never mind when there's noise from the coffee or ice machines. Then there'd be the slightly embarrassing moment when I'd have to spell out my name a little too loudly so they could write it on the cup.

It took me a while to decide on "Kevin" - common enough that the non-English language staff will have heard of it; uncommon enough that the person in front of me in the queue is unlikely to be an actual "Kevin" (that happened one time when I was a "Chris", back when I chose a random name each time, and left me in a fluster).

But I must have it easy compared to people with non-European sounding names who try and persevere with their real names.