Ravenous Pigeon Digest


Confirming suspicions that it's been a wet enough winter, it seems that it's also officially the wettest winter for 250 years. That seems to fit right in with 2013 having had the coldest spring in 50 years and 2012 having being the second wettest on record.

There's been no flooding around here but closer to the river things look a little worse. The area between the sign and the fence (not to mention the sign itself) is not supposed to be the river.

But now that important conservative party-supporting areas have been flooded too the government has taken notice and sent in the army. It's pretty depressing to hear that despite everything though, attitudes don't change

Journalist: So do you think this could be caused by climate change?

Vox Pop 1: Nah, this wouldn't have happened if they'd just dredged the rivers..

Vox Pop 2: That climate change thing is just a scam for the politicians to make money off those horrible wind turbines

Vox Pop 1: It's impossible to know - sure the climate's always changin', innit?

We're doomed.