Ravenous Pigeon Digest


Like most one year old's, Pigeon junior gets excited by any music and seems to enjoy moving his body (sort of) to the rhythm (except music that comes out of the disembodied scary box on the shelf, also known as the stereo).

Some things get him up dancing immediately - like the countdown music to BBC news on tv for example. But the one thing guaranteed to get him moving more than anything else are the Shapes. It's just a two minute bit from another CBeebies program but he goes crazy when they appear. So how great is it (or perhaps as some weird kind of torture for parents) someone has put up a continuous 10 hours of Shape action on youtube. Guaranteed peace if only for a few minutes.


Effandpee said...

Ten hours! So how long have you managed to leave this on for before going insane?

Ronan said...

Not very long, you pretty quickly start to feel like you're in that chair from a Clockwork Orange undergoing some brain wipe.