Ravenous Pigeon Digest


Who has the money these days to buy new gadgets. That's right, not me. And though my old Android phone after a few years is looking a little chunky, scratched, and underpowered compared to what's in the shops these days it works fine and does everything I need it to do (which admittedly is not that much).

But lucky for me I recently had the chance to accept a work phone that didn't really require much work on my part and, more importantly, money.

The last time I had a Nokia it had a tiny green screen and it seems things have come a long way. This new one is quite big and looks pretty nice next to the other one. Its way faster thanks to all it's MHz and it's "Gs".

It's quite pretty to look at on the table. The only major downside (besides being slippy) is its very shiny screen which, when turned off leaves me looking at the worst possible reflection of my own face, invariably looking down towards the ground and sagging; every single wrinkle looking like a chasm, exposed and exaggerated.

It's not the most flattering look and every time I can feel a tiny part of my soul is crushed.