Ravenous Pigeon Digest


Seeing as I'd been to Hong Kong once before, I wanted to see some of the stuff I missed the last time. So after lunch I took a bus to the opposite side of Hong Kong island to Repulse Bay and to Stanley. Both turned out to be complete tourists traps, full of western fish and chip restaurants and western customers that wouldn't have looked out of place on the beaches of southern Spain. Lots of tat and nowt interesting, took a bus back into the city pretty quickly.

Spent a lot of today looking for somewhere to buy a computer that I could bring to Australia. In the process I walked through Wan Chai and Central areas of Hong Kong island, a veritable flea in the hair that are the island's skyscrapers, noticing for the first time the complete lack of scooters that had been so prevalent for the past few weeks. This place is so very very wealthy. Took the midlevels escalator, the longest in the world apparently, which goes from sea level up to, not suprisingly, Midlevels (neighbourhoods half way up the mountain). It passes through SOHO, full of expats and western restaurants and seemed to be were all the western tourists were hiding, able to order their hamburgers and fish and chips, avoiding anything Chinese.

In the last place of the day I was going to look I bought a computer, fed up of looking. I was worried about getting one in the hundreds of small shops selling electronic and computer gear, afraid it would have Sorny or Magnetbox insides. The fact that I'm typing this on it though is a good sign :)