Ravenous Pigeon Digest


This morning I got the bus back to Guilin, slogged with my pack across the city to the airport feeder bus and arrived at the airport with plenty of time, all of which was used up behind a big line of Chinese guys with bags and bags of wrapped food, all of which had to be unwrapped and sent through the scanners while everyone argued.

Met an American retired couple from Florida (with two kids both working in Yangshuo) and who told me to get the ferry to Hong Kong from Shenzhen. The flight itself was fine and when we landed I was able to change my remaining Chinese money and Euro to Hong Kong dollars and bought a much-cheaper-than-ferry bus ticket to Hong Kong. Unfortuantly taking the bus meant stopping about four times - leaving China proper and entering the "Special Economic Area" that is Shenzhen, leaving Shenzhen and entering Hong Kong - lots of changing busses and waiting in queues. In all that time you never really leave any city. Shenzhen is absolutely huge, but by all accounts not the nicest place to spend time.

Got to Wan Chai at the centre of Hong Kong island after a couple of hours or so and then straight on to the MTR subway, seeing as my hotel had the same address as one of the stations. The metro here is just brilliant, compared to anywhere. When I got off at my stop the station turned into a huge shopping centre and with no directions to the hotel I was stuck. Eventually found a minibus that took me in the direction of the hotel which turned out to be one of 5 hotels in a single wide skyscraper, surrounded by four residential skyscrapers. Nothing unusual in this as Hong Kong is pretty much a huge continuous collection of 40 story skyscrapers. My room was on the 28th floor with a lovely view of a huge container port. The view, and the fact that I was miles away from anything touristy was the reason for the cheap room price I guess. No westerners in site, everyone else was going to some trade convention for the weekend.

Got the train back to Tsim Sha Tsui station, at the very tip of Kowloon peninsula with a commanding view of Hong Kong island harbour and its famous skyline. The last time I was here I completely missed the light show that's put on every night, consisting of each skyscraper lighting up in tune to music at the ferry terminal. It was a bit ..meh.. but still good.